Real Sudoku3D iOS Tutorial

1 Touch Tap to select or deselect a cube for number or note entry

1 Touch Move to rotate the game grid

2 Touch Pinch to zoom in and out on the game grid

3 Touch Move to turn the game grid like a dial

4 Touch Move to pan the game grid

Use the Face Level Slice buttons to turn off all layers that are on, and to turn on all layers that are off all at once
Use the + Reset button to return the game grid to the initial startup view
Turn numbered Faces Levels and Slices on and off with the toggle buttons
Numbers and Notes

Tap the Numbers button to switch into Notes entry mode
Click the * button to Auto-fill numbers in any visible cubes where only one note remains
Enter or remove a Number in the selected Cube by tapping the corresponding button

Click the Notes button to switch back to Numbers entry mode
Click to # button to temporarily hide notes, and the * button to switch notes display back on
Enter or remove a Note in the selected Cube by tapping the corresponding button

Show or Hide game Timer
Show or Hide Auto Notes
Show or Hide Entry Errors
Lock or Free the Rotation Tilt
Puzzle Solving
Solve all intersecting Sudoku layers by:

* Faces: from Front to Back

* Levels: from Top to Bottom

* Slices: from Left to Right
NOTE: A good strategy is to go as far as possible solving each Sudoku puzzle while displaying only one layer at a time. Then visit each layer of that kind and repeat the process until all layers are solved.
For example, try solving each Face, one a time, in turn.
For example, try solving each Face, one a time, in turn.